Featured therapy

Featured therapy

Swift Apatheia is a form of psychotherapy derived from integrating trauma therapy, neurophysiology, memory, imagination and linguistics

Want faster results?

Try Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) - it’s not scary, proven extensively in research and it’s here to help you change the way you think, - something that could be so life changing!

Liberate Your Mind

NLP is a form of psychotherapy derived from integrating trauma therapy, neurophysiology, memory, imagination and linguistics. It’s a journey, or process of discovery of our personal issues, by becoming more conscious of parts of ourselves that we were previously not aware of. And like a ripple effect, this important part of learning about ourselves, helps us improve our relationships with others.

The basis of Neuro Linguistic Programming has been scientifically proven in ongoing research since the 1980’s. Developmental theories in these therapy techniques have been successfully used worldwide by NLP practitioners for more that thirty years to bring peace to those needing help to deal with their anxiety, trauma and many other personal issues, without talking at length about it, or taking medication.

This therapy doesn’t require you to talk at length about your problem in order to provide an effective and sustainable solution. The focus is on fixing your subconscious thought processes, with guidance from me, your fully qualified and experienced therapist since 2006.

The focus is on the subconscious part of the mind that is the far more powerful, responsible for most things we do day to day to survive and excel. It is simply designed to attract what is familiar and known, not necessarily what is desirable. You may be beginning to understand that because your problem stems from your subconscious mind, the conscious mind is unable to fix it easily, if at all.

The conscious mind cannot outwill, outwit or overpower the subconscious mind.

I will guide you to create direct access to your subconscious mind by bypassing the critical conscious mind and offering you the ability to re-create your core beliefs and create new beliefs so that you can achieve your goals. There is a quote from Einstein that always inspires me to help people do just that: "Insanity is defined by doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results".

It is quite possible that you may only need one session of NLP, however you may like to conclude with a following two or three sessions to allow your mind and body the space to remove the old and activate new associations and beliefs in order to stop unhealthy negative outcomes.

The Benefits

You may need to pinch yourself to test if you are still the same person. Finding yourself free of your issues is a completely surprising and empowering feeling! You feel self satisfaction and as each day goes by with your new found life, your confidence builds, and the more you achieve a life of happiness. The more you live your changes, the more permanent they become.

I look forward to working with you